Artists Letizia Pecci Painting Fabled Gallery

Letizia Pecci

Mixed media on canvas. Acrylic and collage
+491749407682 /


Letizia Pecci was born in Florence, Italy, where she studied literature, philosophy and art history.
She started drawing and painting at a very young age and has continued despite working as event hostess and incentive planer in Italy.
She has attended courses to improve her painting skills and to keep updated to new techniques and trends.

Married with three children, she has lived in Berlin for several years. She has dedicated herself to her family and her work as freelance event planner.

Since a few years she works only as visual artist.
Some of her works are currently registered at Yicca competitions and The 36. Chelsea international art competition.

Letizia’s source of inspiration is nature in all its forms and expressions and in particular the landscapes of her homeland Tuscany. She loves to mix shapes and colors trying to stay between abstract and real.
She works with different mediums and mixed techniques: acrylic, collage, printing, inks and different markers.

Letizia’s art woks reflect her desire to experiment and to create a world as a secret place where to be or to escape from everyday.

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